Production Time
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Production Time means the time period we receive the order placed by a customer until all items in the order are produced by our manufacturer(s). Most of our products are made to order.
The length of the product time is specified under each of our products on the product detailed page. Please bear in mind that if there is more than one item in the shopping cart, Production Time may take longer if your items are produced by different manufacturers.
Shipping Policy
Shipping & Delivery Time
Ship-in Time
Order Processing Time
Production Time
Shipping Fees & Comparison
Do you ship COD?
Do I have to pay customs taxes?
Can I choose other carriers?
Can I change my shipping information?
Can I request where to leave my parcel?
What if I am not home during delivery?
What if I do not want to sign at delivery?
What if my order is returned to sender?
How long does it take to get my order?
APO/ FPO addresses
EMS & Delivery Partners