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    Your shipping service is either provided by EMS, DHL or UPS, DanceShoesOnline acts as an agent only. It is your own decision to choose a carrier for your purchases. Compare EMS, DHL & UPS before making up your mind.

    Most of our products are shipped from China. We ship our products to almost everywhere in the world subject to countries and locations we actually have in our shipping system. Charge is based on the product weight or volume weight depending on which carrier is chosen and where your goods are shipped.

    It is our customer's responsibility to pay customs taxes/agency fees (if there is). Failing to do so may result in returning your goods to sender or being fined by customs of your country. In such a case, you will be solely held responsible for storage, penalty, return, reshipping and all related costs arising


    Shipping Policy
    Return Policy
    Exchange Policy
    Refund Policy
    Order Reprocessing Policy
    Refusal of Receiving Goods Policy
    Wrong-delivery Policy
    Modification of your order
    Cancellation of your order
    Inspection & Signature at Delivery