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  • Do I have to pay customs taxes?


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    Yes, theoretically, but practically, it varies depending on your local's customs policy. 

    It is our customer's responsibility to pay your local's customs taxes. Failing to do so may result in returning your goods to sender or/and being fined your local's customs. In this case, you will be solely held responsible for storage, penalty, return shipping and all related costs occurred. Learn more about our Shipping Policy.


    Shipping Policy
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    Shipping Fees & Comparison
    Do you ship COD?
    Do I have to pay customs taxes?
    Can I choose other carriers?
    Can I change my shipping information?
    Can I request where to leave my parcel?
    What if I am not home during delivery?
    What if I do not want to sign at delivery?
    What if my order is returned to sender?
    How long does it take to get my order?
    APO/ FPO addresses
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