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  • My credit card was declined, why?


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    It's probably due to one of the following reasons:-

    • No or insufficient credit or funds available on the card and/or
    • AVS (Address Verification System) failed to verify your billing address and/or zip code.
    • The card issuer wants to verify the transaction is legitimate such as Card Security Code , and the card owner needs to approve the online transaction;
    • If the credit card needs to be verified with the issuing bank, only the customer can contact their bank to approve the credit card's use.
    • Please use another credit card or
    • If you already have the credit card on your PayPal account, you could use PayPal Express Checkout to complete the order.



    What is CSC?
    What is AVS?
    What is CVV?
    Payment methods
    Pay through Paypal
    How do I place an order?
    Do I have to fill in the Billing Address?
    My credit card was declined, why?
    I was unable to place my order
    I was unable to complete my order process, why?
    I didn't receive order confirmation, why?
    I need a copy of my invoice